Tuesday, June 7, 2011

No Environmental Impact?

I wonder what that statement means.  

We live by the South Puget Sound Community College and every time they need to put in a building or parking, we get a flyer describing details.  It almost always says, "no environmental impact anticipated"  I guess removing all but a few of the trees so we wonder if they will now blow over onto our bedroom in storms and putting a parking lot behind our fence with lights that shine in our bedroom until 11 pm and then building a ginormous Science building for which the HVAC makes annoying stop and go noises all night did not make the short list for "environmental impact."  

I enjoyed the crickets and frog and bird sounds.  Don't hear them now, at least not so much.  We did not do the tadpoles this year.  Kids and I used to scoop some up each February form rain puddles they would have dried up in (over by 7-11 area ground water pond) and by  mid June we would have little tree frogs.  Things started late this year, it may have been longer for them to develop.  

That woodpecker was a problem, and so is keeping ahead of the occasional wood rodent exploring and setting up shop in the garage as weather cools come fall. Wonder if we will have any this year.    

And the kids liked to watch the raccoons and opossums sneak across the yard into the neighbors for dog food.  If we were lucky enough to have snow, they would leave little tracks in it.  Have not seen them this year. 

And this week there is artillery testing up at the base in the evenings...Add that to the constant purr of the interstate you can hear when you lie there very very quietly.   

Not complaining, just sayin....this is some beautiful county we are paving over here.  And I would give something up for a tour of the Science building, it looks pretty cool. 

City of Olympia Environmental 2008 draft & checklist link is here: 



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