Haircuts on Wheels
Craig Conway
(360) 701-2129
Mobile Hair Cutting Service in the Lacey, Olympia, and Tumwater area.
This guy has been cutting our families hair since my oldest kid was 2 years old. I had gotten to the point of trying to cut my toddlers hair while he ate ice cream and I was still losing the battle. And then there was "the incident" when my middle son said I cut his ear, and he often reminds me of it, just about every time we get haircuts.
Getting everyone into the beauty shop for hair cuts when you are a new mom with a full time job is not an easy task.
Craig came and charmed the kids, gave us all excellent haircuts and has been doing it ever since then.
He no longer keeps candy in the kit for them, or has them hold the hair whisk, as the boys stand a head taller than the rest of us. He has made haircuts a calming and connecting time over the years, and we often have a former room mate join on haircut night for his trim.
Craig happens to cuts hair for a couple of people in our neighborhood, our pediatrician, and who knows for how many other people in town.
He has a shop and can do all the modern styles as well as perms. Mostly he drives to your office or home on your schedule and does a professional haircut with cleanup.
Do you know Craig?
What haircuts on wheels stories do you have to share?
School starts next week, do you all need haircuts soon? Might want to give Craig a call and take care of that soon, with a smile.
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