Thursday, January 19, 2012

How you can impact the battle against Leukemia today-one human being at a time

Amit got a 10/10 match, and starts transplant treatment soon! Prayers and thanks to God. Hoping he can celebrate the 5 yr mark battling Leukemia. Have you joined the registry? It takes less than 2 hours of your time to register, then follow the kit instructions received by mail. If you are a match, donation is fairly painless and for the inconvenience another human being battling Lukemia has a fighting chance.

Amit Gupta update 1/18/12

Good News about Amit from Seth Godin

Amit Gupta facebook community page

Want to check out how to get on the register as well as other ways to help battle Lukemia, Lymphoma, and other conditions?  Check out these links below for a start: