Wednesday, September 7, 2011

End Malaria Day is Everyday!

Seth Godin Sept 7,2011 book offering

Seth Godin Sept 7,2011 webinar bonus

Buy this book for $20 and provide a mosquito net to save a life.  Get the book on Kindle or Paperback and if you do, you are invited to listen to the attached 5 hour webinar by many of the 62 authors. 

Courtesy of Seth Godin's Blog dated September 7, 2011

If you purchase a copy from reading this, do click a "tried this below" and thanks! 

How to embed a google app to your web page

Go to

Select the gadget you want for your web page and get the code.  Paste it in your blog or other web page.  Be sure to select "allow interpretation of HTML" instead of "show HTML literally" so the gadget will work. 

For more technology terminology made simple, try out this lens I put together on Squidoo: