
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Rushing Christmas toward the end of this Year

Slow down, speed up, don't hit the speed bump.  Get over from the curb, don't cross the yellow line, stop in front of the white line, by the stop sign, and be sure to come to a full and complete stop before rolling out. Be very clear and watch how you steer, look both ways before going and use the turn signal in time, and go near the speed limit most all of the time. 

Geez, and this was only the second day out driving the car.  3 hours logged, and we are definitly on a roll...

Did you hear about the guy who explained, " I swerved, and I swerved, and I swerved, and then I hit it! "

Merry Christmas to all, great and small. 
May you receive and discover many more blessings to share throughout this coming year.